Your Higher Purpose - Tarot Reading


Please provide your name, email, question/info and DOB. This reading will be sent via email within 24 hours.

Multiple follow up questions are permitted after the reading. So feel free to message me and I will reply as soon as I can. Thank you.


Find out what your higher purpose.
Are you here to lead others?
Become a healer of some kind?
Be independent and forge a new path?
Or are you just here to shed karmic ties?
We do tend to change our purpose as we progress in life, and this reading will be looking into your current purpose. You are a complex human and as life goes on you will change your path many times. Remember, you are the creator of your world and you can fulfill many purposes.

We will see what the cards have to say and I will interpret the messages for you as best I can.
And I will tell it to you straight.
There is no BSing around here.

These readings are for entertainment purposes only!
I do not do readings for people under the age of 18! Thank you.

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